Discover The Passion Behind What We Do:

The statistics are staggering: as many as 79% of women report struggling with confidence, which can have a devastating impact on their lives. This lack of confidence can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled goals, and a sense of disconnection from their true purpose.

But you don't have to continue down this path. You deserve to feel empowered and confident in yourself and your abilities. It's time to take action and seek the support you need to break free from these limiting beliefs.

At Shira Ali & Associates, our mission is to help 10,000 women by 2030 gain momentum and fearlessly go after the life they want and deserve. When women find their voice and embrace their unique talents, they create a better life for themselves and positively impact their families, communities, and society as a whole.

Don't let fear and self-doubt hold you back any longer. You deserve to live a life that excites and fulfills you. Remember, you don’t have to figure it out alone. Let us help you take the first step towards that life.

Confident women

The Ripple Effect of Finding Clarity and

Gaining Momentum in Your Life:

When women find clarity and gather the courage to pursue their aspirations, it has a profound and positive impact on society. Gender equality is promoted as women assert themselves and strive for their goals, leading to increased diversity in decision-making and more women in leadership roles. This empowerment serves as an inspiration to other women, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Moreover, when women find fulfillment and purpose in both their personal and professional lives, it translates to greater happiness and overall well-being. This, in turn, benefits families, communities, and society, fostering a more prosperous and harmonious environment.

Numerous studies provide compelling evidence of the benefits of empowering women. For instance, the McKinsey Global Institute highlights that advancing gender equality could contribute $12 trillion to the global GDP by 2025. Similarly, the Peterson Institute for International Economics found that increased female representation in leadership positions positively influences a company's profitability and effectiveness. Furthermore, research shows that women with access to education and economic opportunities tend to invest in their families and communities, leading to broader social and economic advantages.

Samantha had always been a go-getter. She had climbed the corporate ladder, always knowing exactly what her next move would be. But lately, she had been feeling a bit stuck. Samantha wasn't sure if she wanted to continue on the same path or if it was time to try something new.

Samantha had always been ambitious, but now she was at a crossroads. She knew she needed to change but needed to figure out where to start. That's when she stumbled upon the C ⁵ Method™.

At first, Samantha was hesitant. She had never sought help before, always preferring to figure things out on her own. But something about the C ⁵ Method™ spoke to her. She was drawn to the idea of having someone by her side, guiding her toward her next move.

With the help of the C⁵ Method™, Samantha gained clarity, confidence, and competence to develop a winning strategy, one that gave her the momentum to make her next big step. She realized that what had been holding her back was fear - fear of the unknown, fear of failure. With the right support, Samantha overcame those fears and took a leap of faith.

Samantha has come a long way since she started working with the C ⁵ Method™. Today, she's found a career that fulfills her and excites her to get up in the morning.

If you've ever felt stuck and struggling to find your next move, like Samantha in this story, then you know how frustrating it can be. You're not alone. Many women have been in your shoes, and the C ⁵ Method™ has helped them gain clarity and confidence to make a change.

  • Your mind is overflowing with ideas and you know you have potential to do more. Let us help you develop a plan to bring your vision to life.

  • You are not following through on what you say you want to do, and that’s bringing up feelings of shame and self-doubt.

  • Feeling stagnant in your career? Let's work together to explore new possibilities

  • You are beginning to feel there is something beneath the surface that's keeping you from moving forward.

  • You are feeling lost. Let's discover your true calling.

Become a Part of the Growing Community of Women Who Have Mastered the C⁵ Method™ and are Gaining MOMENTUM!

Shira Ali - What's Next Strategist

Shira Ali, CPM®, ARM®, RAM - Founder

Meet the Founder:

Shira Ali is a highly experienced What's Next Strategist based in the Washington DC area with a proven track record of success in the high-pressure high stakes corporate real estate industry with a career spanning over 20 years. Shira has held key leadership positions in distinguished property management firms.

During her career, Shira honed her skills in talent development, helping individuals navigate their career paths and achieve their professional aspirations. 

Shira founded Shira Ali & Associates, a consulting and advisory firm that empowers women to answer the question, "what's next" through her proprietary C⁵ Method™. Her extensive expertise provides her clients with clear paths to unlock their potential and confidently move forward, gaining momentum toward their goals. Shira is a member of the International Coaching Federation, ensuring the highest standards of professionalism and results.

 Whether you want to make a career change, advance in your current role, or explore new opportunities, Shira is here to help you navigate your path confidently and purposefully.

 When Shira isn't helping her clients achieve their goals or mentoring, Shira loves reading and last-minute weekend getaways with her daughter and fiancé. As a furry-friend-advocate, she also enjoys volunteering at a local dog and cat rescue.